
WML Crashing with error at startup - Printable Version

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WML Crashing with error at startup by grantran on 03-29-2007 at 04:38 AM

Hi, I recently started to get this nasty error that won't go away at the start of my WML! I've tried quite a few things to get rid of it, and it feels like I've googled my life away trying to solve it. But here is the error code...

AppName: msnmsgr.exe      AppVer:     AppStamp:45b12d6a
ModName: unknown      ModVer:      ModStamp:00000000
fDebug: 0       Offset: 00000000

When this error first started, I would start my WML, and I can go about normally talking to contacts and ect. However, in about 2 mins the error would come off. Now, after a fresh reinstall, this error comes instantly. I think the error code for prior to the fresh installation and the one I just gave is different. Sorry I didn't catch the other one.

A member here a few months back got this error as well and posted in this topic ( and I tried to follow any advice given there. It isn't my Riched20.dll, as I am using v3 and I've tried v2 as well. I've tried it with a copy of Riched20.dll in and out of my WML folder. I do not have MsgPlus! installed currently but I've tested it with and without, newest version.

Reinstalled and repaired my WML! countless times, again with the latest versions. Updated my flash player, tried to load up another XP account on my computer, to no avail.

I am using SP2, latest WML version and all that great stuff. It was working fine but all of the sudden I began getting these errors.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.