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Messages not going through... by bridport_james on 03-30-2007 at 07:45 PM

Grrr... Not all the time, but more and more often when I speak to people my message doesn't get through...

Then I nudge them or something, thinking they have got bored (lol) and they say that they've already sent a reply... :@

It ruins conversations... And I was wondering if there was a reason or a solution for the problem.

Thanks (Y)

RE: Messages not going through... by xJ + on 03-31-2007 at 06:30 AM

it might cause by the servers.
I, too, have been facing this problem for weeks and yet it's not solved despite having to file serveral bug reports to the team.

RE: Messages not going through... by [B]roken.[Hearts] on 04-07-2007 at 09:37 PM

Ive been having the problem for like 2 months now. Filed many many complaints and reports to MSN but nothing has been fixed. Its just something we have to live with till someone sorts it out.


RE: Messages not going through... by mummycool1 on 04-11-2007 at 09:39 AM

Ditto your problems. I've searched the net for a resolution but nothing works. I think it must be a server problem and until Microsoft sort it out we must all suffer broken conversations and getting signed out. Its really really annoying :@  I hope they sort it soon its driving us nutso.

RE: Messages not going through... by F_Kal on 05-06-2007 at 01:47 PM

Same problem here...
I've tried downgrading to v7.5, but still no difference.
Very often I can't even get files through. After some attempts though usually I make it.