
Log file disappeared...? - Printable Version

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Log file disappeared...? by NotJo on 04-09-2007 at 05:22 PM

Been an avid user of MsgPlus for years

Heres the scoop.  Just playing around in messenger and chatting with a friend, wanted to see wat they wrote last night as i couldn't remember...

opened the log, I could see it fine.  sent some more text to the same person, and noticed the log didn't update with that text. I thought that was probably due to the fact that I had it open, so I switched to another log file from a different friend and tried going back to the previous log file... only now it doesn't exist...?

i recieved two errors... when i clicked on it the first time i got "access denied", so i did the same thing again.. (clicked to a different log file and back and then got "error the file doesn't exist"

this was Disconcerting... so i closed the chat logging program and opened it back up... now there isn't even a listing that i've chatted with this person this month.

so i closed messenger and exited and signed back in...
still gone

so i chatted with them again... and now there is a log file.. and all it contains is the few lines of text that I typed to them since the restart of messenger.

Windows live messenger
version 8.1(Build 8.1.0178.00

MsgPlus! version

Win XP home SP2

couldn't find this bug listed yet, so i'm not sure if it's actually a bug or if it's just my fault or what...?

Just succesfully replicated the problem

talk to sumone with the chat log open, so that the text isn't up to date in the log, then leave the log open and close the chat session, the chat log is now gone

so.. lol I woll stop doing that now for sure, as i've just lost several HUGE log files... but i can replicate it if neccesary.
RE: Log file disappeared...? by NotJo on 04-11-2007 at 11:46 PM

Did I waste my time and my log files?

is this not a bug? orrr?

RE: Log file disappeared...? by CookieRevised on 04-13-2007 at 12:17 AM

Yes it is a bug and thanks for reporting (and especially for reporting it in such a detailed and proper way (y))

However, note that Patchou (the creator of Plus!) can't always reply to all posts on the forums, but he tries to read most of them (especially all bug reports).

And with this I'm sure he actually will reply in this thread when he reads it ;)

RE: Log file disappeared...? by NotJo on 04-13-2007 at 05:30 AM

yey! recognition!  lol  j/k j/k
thanks for the reply, I just thought for a minute that maybe I'd missed something or that this had been covered before and everyone was laughing at me secretly.

glad to help.  good luck Patchou, if you read this!

RE: Log file disappeared...? by Patchou on 04-16-2007 at 05:59 AM

Heya. Sorry for not replying earlier.

Can you tell me if you use HTML logging and if you use encryption? Cookie, did you reproduce that problem? in theory, the log viewer is not supposed to lock the file and Messenger Plus! is not supposed to ever delete your log files.

I'll wait for more info. Thanks.

RE: Log file disappeared...? by NotJo on 04-19-2007 at 10:19 PM

No Prob Patchou,

Using HTML logging and encryption
key for encryption is 640bits

other possibly non important info as follows:

Logging options that are checked off-> 
                                Save all my chats to log by default
                                Save by date

Save options that are checked off->
                         Prefix all the lines with a timestamp
                         Truncate contact names longer than 16 characters
                         Record contact's activites
                         Save images
                         Use contacts font

If ya need anything else, let me know.