
[help] "Now Playing" - Printable Version

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[help] "Now Playing" by 500dan500 on 04-11-2007 at 03:34 AM

Hey guy's, first post here so hi all :)

Me and my mate are having a problem with the script "Now Playing", the problem part is the "PSM" part, windows at time's over-rides it with it's own one (Meaning we can't have the cool looking formated one)

The code I'm useing is:

[c=10]Now Playing: [/c][c=36] [if_artist]{artist} - [/if_artist]{title} [/c]

I'm useing iTunes and he's useing WMP, so we know it's not a problem with the music player's..

Is there a fix to stop windows useing it's own at times? Or is it something we must put up with? :(

RE: [help] "Now Playing" by -dt- on 04-11-2007 at 05:43 AM

This is because WMP and iTunes try to set the media psm their selves, in WMP disable the plugin "Msn Messenger" and in iTunes look in the options for an option to disable it


RE: [help] "Now Playing" by 500dan500 on 04-11-2007 at 04:35 PM

Thanks for the reply, I can't seem to find the setting in iTunes, dose anyone who uses iTunes know where I can find it?

Thanks :)