
Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts - Printable Version

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Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by larrybee on 05-01-2007 at 12:42 PM

I know this might already be in here, and I apologise for the inconvenience of another post about it, but I have a problem using MsgPlus Live! - it installs OK, and everything seems fine, but when I open a Messenger window and try to go to the Plus! options in the menu bar, it doesn't even exist.

I use Windows XP, and I run 2 user accounts on the system as my other half uses the computer. I've tried installing it on the other account, but it does the same. Yet, it's listed in the Add/Remove Programs applet and I can uninstall it properly.

Having tried the following:

installed to another directory on the system
used one account (it worked fine)

: I am at the end of my knowledge on what to do. So is there anything anyone can suggest? My thanks for any help possible.

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by Sunshine on 05-01-2007 at 01:49 PM

Do you happen to use SmileyCentral or SweetIM? If so you will have to make a choice between that en Plus! as they won't work alongside eachother.

Also make sure Plus! is installed on the admin account (to be sure go into safemode and choose the account called "administrator") and that nothin is blocking writing to the registry when you do so.

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by tanbouz on 05-01-2007 at 03:41 PM

I guess  the user account you installed the Plus with has limitation, try installing the msgplus with administrator account.

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by vikke on 05-01-2007 at 04:56 PM

Do you run Messenger from different directorys?

Then copy msimg32.dll to the other one which doesn't have it

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by larrybee on 05-01-2007 at 09:16 PM

sunshine: no, I have neither of those softwares installed; tanbouz: both user accounts have administrator rights, and vikke: do you mean messenger as in MSN Messenger in a different directory to MsgPlusLive? I will try copying the DLL and see how I go with that...

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by MattyRid on 05-01-2007 at 09:30 PM

what vikke means is that instead of Messenger Being in the folder "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger" is it in a folder like "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger 2"....if so you will need to copy msimg.dll across to the other folder or at least check it is there.

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by larrybee on 05-14-2007 at 10:43 AM

Well, I've tried everything I can think of. I tried looking for the DLL file, with no success. Is the DLL part of Live Messenger or is it installed as part of MsgPlusLive? And I have MsgPlusLive installed onto a separate partition to Live Messenger - I prefer it as I know where everything is installed to then and I have more space for Windows - so could it be that that's causing the problem? I've had it working before, but it was with just my account on the computer.

RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by ahmetgns on 05-14-2007 at 12:53 PM

larrybee. Is your problem this?

-You run 2 Windows accounts
-You want to run only 1 Messenger session for each Windows account
-On one of Windows accounts MsgPlus can be used with Windows Live Messenger but on the other one, it can't be used.

msimg32.dll is Loader for Messenger Plus! Live and it is saved on MSN Messenger's installation directory when Messenger Plus! Live is installed. Other things related to Msg Plus! Live are in its own directory (default: Messenger Plus! Live). So if you move or delete it from that directory, WLM will start without Plus!. Check these please and also confirm that this is problem.

RE: RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by larrybee on 05-14-2007 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by ahmetgns
larrybee. Is your problem this?

-You run 2 Windows accounts
-You want to run only 1 Messenger session for each Windows account
-On one of Windows accounts MsgPlus can be used with Windows Live Messenger but on the other one, it can't be used.

msimg32.dll is Loader for Messenger Plus! Live and it is saved on MSN Messenger's installation directory when Messenger Plus! Live is installed. Other things related to Msg Plus! Live are in its own directory (default: Messenger Plus! Live). So if you move or delete it from that directory, WLM will start without Plus!. Check these please and also confirm that this is problem.

Yes to the top two. The third one is a kind of. I had installed MsgPlusLive with one account, and when I created a second user (Windows) account, it worked fine. Since then, I have reinstalled Windows because of unforseen circumstances, and upon creating both accounts together, it hasn't allowed me to install MsgPlusLive properly.

I tried moving the msimg32.dll from the MSN Messenger folder to the Plus! one, and leaving it in both directories, and I've still not got it working. Where should the DLL be? and where should it not be?
RE: Unable to use MsgPlus Live! with 2 user accounts by ahmetgns on 05-14-2007 at 01:44 PM

I have no idea about what will happen to programs if you reinstall Windows on current Windows (without formatting).

Originally posted by larrybee
...and upon creating both accounts together, it hasn't allowed me to install MsgPlusLive properly.
So it seems your previous Windows accounts are deleted and you recreated them. OK. But what do you mean by 'it hasn't allowed me to install MsgPlusLive properly'. I think it means you run MsgPlus!Live's setup file and it can't be installed properly and (it warns you about the problem, eh?) If so, what is the problem?

Notes about msimg32.dll: It is Messenger Plus!' file but MsgPlus!' setup copies it to MSN Messenger folder. It must be kept there. Don't move it anywhere. I can't say anything about whether it mustn't exist in Messenger Plus! Live folder. But normally it doesn't exist there.

Did you reinstall WLM after reinstalling Windows?

Please state your WLM and MsgPlus!Live versions...