
Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? - Printable Version

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Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 06-30-2007 at 06:51 PM

Is there a script that has auto-message responding feature when your status is set to statuses besides Away/Busy, aka BRB/Lunch/...etc, especially Online?

I've just done a quick search and there seems to be none.

If there's none I'd probably do it by myself :/

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-03-2007 at 02:39 PM

Well, who would use this script if I create one, anyone?

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by matty on 07-03-2007 at 02:41 PM


You should make one to simply replace the one developed by Plus! :P

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by joey on 07-03-2007 at 02:47 PM

tbh im suprised that hasn't been done already it seems useful :P

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by markee on 07-03-2007 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by ICD
tbh im suprised that hasn't been done already it seems useful :P
It might have been made and even put into the database, but with the recent clean out it has been lost.  Personally I can't see why Mnjul even bothered looking for a script when he could have just written one up himself.  If you have it without any interfaces then it should only take a couple of minutes to write (less time than searching the database and the scripts forum properly).
RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Oxy on 07-03-2007 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Mnjul

Well, who would use this script if I create one, anyone?

I'd probably use it, yeah. (Y)
RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by MicroWay on 07-03-2007 at 03:59 PM

I would use it too (Y)
and lot's of people would use it, as it has been requested to Patchou to add the function a much long time ago.... :)

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by CookieRevised on 07-03-2007 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by MicroWay
it has been requested to Patchou to add the function a much long time ago.... :)
Indeed. IIRC it was one of the first things asked when the  new Live version was tested and released.

Originally posted by Mnjul
If there's none I'd probably do it by myself :/
Don't release it then...:p  Otherwise Patchou can say "Use that fantastique script from Mnjul instead" when we request to add those other statusses again like it was in Plus! 3.

(although I think a script wouldn't be able to totally replace it or blend in with the existing away-system... only "work around it")
RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by matty on 07-03-2007 at 08:11 PM

It could easily be replaced (however the More Statuses feature couldn't be replaced easily).

You would just need to capture the default status commands and open your scripting window. You can even rip the interface from Plus! if you were really lazy like the development team of Screenshot Sender :P

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by CookieRevised on 07-19-2007 at 11:06 PM

It wouldn't really integrate as in using the 'personalised status' related features like the events for scripts, submenus in Messenger, popup on away, preferences, etc... It isn't just about detecting commands and overriding them with your own pref windows ;) You can work around many of them (not all), but they would still be work arounds.

Hence, bump, Patchou: please add this in next version :p

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-20-2007 at 10:02 AM

So I can not say that I am going to begin working on these workarounds in August (yeah at least after I finish HP:DH)? :p

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Nathan on 07-20-2007 at 10:13 AM

I could do with this feature

I aim to finish it in one day (like last time)

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-30-2007 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Hence, bump, Patchou: please add this in next version :p

No :XP:

Because I've managed to make an Alpha. It's preliminary, but the most basic functionality of Personalized Status is implemented. Most importantly, it does replace the Personalized Status window launched by the status menu of main messenger window (and of course the one popping up when you change status to Away).

It does Name Tag appending, Personal Message changing and Auto-Message responding under all statuses now.

What it does not do/current known bugs:
  • No script function invocation (OnEvent_EnterPresonalizedStatus, OnEvent_LeavePersonalizedStatus) (Limitation, won't be fixed)
  • No "reset status" timer count down (will be fixed soon)
  • No contact filter (will be fixed soon)
  • No presets (will be fixed soon)

I also seek to integrate Plus! translation (since the interface is largely borrowed from Plus!'s own) in later releases.

But anyway, I'd like you all interested to take a sneak peak and test against bugs (I haven't tested much). If you like it and I'll finish the script. If you don't...oh well, please don't say you don't :XP:
RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by andrewdodd13 on 07-30-2007 at 04:41 PM

You realise that

/brb <Message> sets you brb with <Message> as the autoresponse?

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-30-2007 at 05:44 PM

Yes, it's the current behavior, isn't it? :)

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by CookieRevised on 07-30-2007 at 05:52 PM

_PersoStat.js line 43 contains "personal mssage" ;)

CRegistry() needs an update. The "Nobody" key isn't used anymore in Plus! Live. And it can be made without the use of splitting, popping and joining, but never mind that for now.

Originally posted by Mnjul
No script function invocation (OnEvent_EnterPresonalizedStatus, OnEvent_LeavePersonalizedStatus) (Limitation, won't be fixed)
One of the very big major reasons why this should be implemented in Plus! itself imho.

Hence repeat: Patchou: pretty please add this in next version :p

Nice POC script... And although I don't use the personalised status anymore in Plus!Live as much as I use to do in Plus!3 (because of the lack of other statusses to choose from) I wont use this workaround script either, for the above reason (the script events).

* CookieRevised runs

Hooking contactlist with external DLL... blah :p j/k Anyways, I think there is a method to hook the contact list without the use of an external DLL. It would be perfect for something like this I think. Need to look into it further though, if it is possible, when I have some time, if you're interested...

* CookieRevised slaps Mnjul for giving Patchou a reason for not adding this now :p

EDIT: I think I used ":p" too much... so... there: :XP:
RE: RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-30-2007 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
_PersoStat.js line 43 contains "personal mssage" ;)

CRegistry() needs an update. The "Nobody" key isn't used anymore in Plus! Live.

i see.
And it can be made without the use of splitting, popping and joining, but never mind that for now.

i knew, i just wanted to try splitting, popping and joining, as you might've guessed :p
Originally posted by Mnjul
No script function invocation (OnEvent_EnterPresonalizedStatus, OnEvent_LeavePersonalizedStatus) (Limitation, won't be fixed)
One of the very big major reasons why this should be implemented in Plus! itself imho.

Hence repeat: Patchou: pretty please add this in next version :p

Nice POC script... And although I don't use the personalised status anymore in Plus!Live as much as I use to do in Plus!3 (because of the lack of other statusses to choose from) I wont use this workaround script either, for the above reason (the script events).

* CookieRevised runs

Hooking contactlist with external DLL... blah :p j/k Anyways, I think there is a method to hook the contact list without the use of an external DLL. It would be perfect for something like this I think. Need to look into it further though, if it is possible, when I have some time, if you're interested...

How can you provide a pointer to a JScript WndProc function for callback? :S I'd really want to hear that.
Anyway, I like the external DLL way because it's easy to implement and there's no performance penalty to use it, is there? :XP: (unless those perfectionists say everything must be done all in jscript >p)
* CookieRevised slaps Mnjul for giving Patchou a reason for not adding this now :p

EDIT: I think I used ":p" too much... so... there: :XP:

Anyway, I'll finish this script to the best degree I can. If possible, I'll hack into Plus! and have it trigger the script events >p

Just that replicating an existing function isn't much fun as creating new things.. :( (and you kinna gave me a blow, cookie :XP:)
RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by CookieRevised on 07-30-2007 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Mnjul
How can you provide a pointer to a JScript WndProc function for callback? (Smilie) I'd really want to hear that.
Harry Potter magic (I hope) :p I'll look into it in the next couple of weeks...

Originally posted by Mnjul
Anyway, I'll finish this script to the best degree I can. If possible, I'll hack into Plus! and have it trigger the script events >p

damn, noooooo.... :'( /me wants this to be a Plus! feature :D

Originally posted by Mnjul
and you kinna gave me a blow, cookie :XP:
I did? Nooo, (although the script is good) I just want to see this as a Plus! function (and it would be very easy to add this I think), not as a script using workarounds.
RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-31-2007 at 06:23 AM

ok, cookie, you please get Patchou to read this thread. If Patchou says he'll add it, then i'm dropping out of this script. >p

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Patchou on 07-31-2007 at 06:35 AM

it's been added a couple of days ago for the next version :)

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by CookieRevised on 07-31-2007 at 06:39 AM

wiiiiiii... :banana:

I know I will be using the pers. statusses again in that case....

PS: Mnjul, do you have other ideas like that? It seems that if you make a script, Patchou will add it the feature directly in Plus! :D:p .... /me runs

RE: Auto-message responder for BRB/Lunch/...etc? by Mnjul on 07-31-2007 at 07:30 AM

Good job (Y)


Originally posted by CookieRevised
I'll look into it in the next couple of weeks...
I'll still be looking forward to that. :)