
Windows messenger 5.1 compatibility - Printable Version

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Windows messenger 5.1 compatibility by beebee on 08-29-2007 at 11:55 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and am looking for some help. I have Windows messenger 5.1, and am hoping to communicate with someone using MSN messenger.  I have read that they are compatible, but I want to make sure this will work.  I like my messenger much better than all the hyped up versions.  It's very clean, simple, uncluttered, no ads,and is a small file, which seems to use few resources compared to the other messengers (please correct me if I'm wrong). 

I recently updated from 4.7 to 5.1 and I hope this was not a mistake, because I really liked 4.7.  Will this new version work just as well, and does it have any undesirable qualities?  I would like to know, since I have not used it yet.  Anyway I would like to know which messengers my version will be compatible with (Windows Live, MSN, Yahoo?), how compatible it will be, and what problems or limitations I might encounter.  Thank you in advance.

P.S.  How can I remove the customer service improvement link in my messenger?  I really annoys me.

RE: Windows messenger 5.1 compatibility by Sunshine on 08-29-2007 at 01:17 PM

Windows Messenger 5.1 is compatible with all Windows Messenger, MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger versions (in short: all Microsoft IM clients). Version 5.1 is an improvement over the previous version as it gives you more control over the settings (visible differences, there might be under the hood improvements too).

The only things you won't be able to see and do are the hyped up things you speak about that are in MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger. You will not be able to speak with Yahoo IM users with Windows Messenger, that is only possible with Windows Live Messenger.

The Customer Improvement link can be removed by clicking on it and choosing either Yes (if you wish to send anonymous stats to help improve messenger) or No.

RE: Windows messenger 5.1 compatibility by Shiny Rabbit on 08-29-2007 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by beebee  It's very clean, simple, uncluttered, no ads,and is a small fileice

clean, simple, uncluttered: since WLM has many more features, it would be a bit more cluttered but it's more the same as older versions of messenger and the interface on the 8.5 beta is just MWUAH

no ads:looks like someone hasnt heard of messpatch

small file:you say that as though 15MBs is too much for an IM client

anyway, i'm not going to force WLM on you
RE: Windows messenger 5.1 compatibility by beebee on 08-29-2007 at 11:50 PM

Sunshine, thank you very much for that information, and thank you for responding in such a pleasant and respectful manner.  I really appreciate it.  You have answered all my questions.