
messenger personal message - Printable Version

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messenger personal message by trace27 on 10-11-2007 at 10:16 AM


a quick question... Using Windows Live Messenger 8.1 and messenger plus

Where you are able to add a personal message (below your display name and status) its stuck on a previous message and although I can change it.. it remains visible to others as an old message and doesnt change to new message.

Is this just a temp glitch or ...?

any help would be appreciated!  :D Thankyou

RE: messenger personal message by Sunshine on 10-11-2007 at 10:38 AM

Does it also change back at your end to the previous message? If so the cache got corrupted somehow (happens sometimes).

Sign out of messenger and exit the program, then
delete the two contact caches (folders) corresponding with your
passport in the following folders:

%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts

%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts

These folders are hidden so make sure you got show hidden files/folders enabled.

You will notice after that that messenger will take a bit longer to sign in, this is because it has to get everything from the server.