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gutsy gibbon by joey on 10-26-2007 at 10:54 AM

i was wondering if anyone has got it, or been on it yet, and if they like it or not =p

im on ubuntu, but im waiting until they straighten out some of the bigger bugs.

but this is the best reason to get it :P

RE: gutsy gibbon by Supersonicdarky on 10-26-2007 at 11:01 AM

installed the day it was out. pure awesomeness. my wireless worked out of the box, and flash (in firefox) installs very easily even on a 64-bit os. much better than feisty.

RE: gutsy gibbon by Oxy on 10-26-2007 at 11:16 AM

The effects rock.

RE: gutsy gibbon by Mike on 10-26-2007 at 11:30 AM

If you have an ATI GPU don't bother downloading it (just for compiz at least).
Just returned at Vista. I was on Ubuntu trying to install the drivers for my ATI X1950 Pro GPU, but it is a pain in the butt. I managed to somehow install some kind of an ATI driver but it could only make the resolution go higher than 1024x768. Compiz fusion wouldn't work and it looked like there was no 3D acceleration (some of the screensavers where lagging).
I could be doing something wrong though...

If you have an nVidia GPU though go get it. Installing the nVidia drivers was very easy: There is a program called "Envy" that automatically installs the drivers for you (it also does this for the ATI drivers, but I couldn't get it to work with CF).
CF was running smoothly on my 7600GT.

Also, since I'm a linux n00b, can anyone tell me what's the difference between Gutsy Gibbon and Feisty Fawn?

RE: gutsy gibbon by joey on 10-26-2007 at 12:17 PM

its a bit outdated as its the 7.10 beta release page, but there's nothing new about it. linkage.

i love how ubuntu release a new, and even better version every 6 months, and you have to wait 3/4 years for M$ to make a new one :P

RE: gutsy gibbon by Verte on 10-27-2007 at 10:00 AM

fvwm > compiz!

Got to say that annotate feature looks handy, though.

RE: gutsy gibbon by andrewdodd13 on 10-27-2007 at 10:05 AM

Upgraded from Feisty with no problems at all.

I don't like compiz... or beryl. Actually I don't like Gnome/KDE/XFCE at all any more... for some reason, when I'm on Linux, I just prefer using the command line.

RE: RE: gutsy gibbon by Verte on 10-27-2007 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by andrewdodd13
Upgraded from Feisty with no problems at all.

I don't like compiz... or beryl. Actually I don't like Gnome/KDE/XFCE at all any more... for some reason, when I'm on Linux, I just prefer using the command line.

My difficulty there is getting decent command-line pdf viewers :)
RE: gutsy gibbon by joey on 10-27-2007 at 02:43 PM

thats the thing that i think scares off a lot of people that would like to move/use linux, the fact that many [but not most/all] aspects of linux uses command line input, and people want the easier to use GUI instead. but i have to say, i think comand line is so much more powerful, and easier to use when you get your head around it. =p

RE: gutsy gibbon by Mike on 10-27-2007 at 02:51 PM

For some reason I dislike Linux's command line but I like Windows' command line... :s
I think it's for the reason you posted above...
I usually find myself having a terminal open when I'm using Linux... :-/

RE: gutsy gibbon by ryxdp on 10-28-2007 at 12:47 AM

* ryxdp is noob at linux

How do i get/use Compiz Fusion?

Sorry :(.

RE: gutsy gibbon by Supersonicdarky on 10-28-2007 at 01:22 AM

gutsy comes with it. for an advanced control over compiz install package compizconfig-settings-manager

to use: system > preferences > appearance

RE: gutsy gibbon by ryxdp on 10-28-2007 at 01:48 AM

Ty :P

Wobbly Windows = uber

RE: gutsy gibbon by RaceProUK on 10-28-2007 at 03:38 PM

I have Kubuntu Gutsy, but I haven't got Compiz working yet.

RE: RE: gutsy gibbon by Verte on 10-29-2007 at 01:29 AM

Originally posted by icd*
thats the thing that i think scares off a lot of people that would like to move/use linux, the fact that many [but not most/all] aspects of linux uses command line input, and people want the easier to use GUI instead. but i have to say, i think comand line is so much more powerful, and easier to use when you get your head around it. =p

While I generally disagree that GUIs are easier, it is depressing just how lacking documentation can be on text configuration. True, things are *mostly* self documenting, but it is always the edge cases that are a pain in the ass.


Actually, I guess that is true of GUIs as well :)
RE: gutsy gibbon by davidpolitis on 10-29-2007 at 02:08 AM

Originally posted by icd*
i was wondering if anyone has got it, or been on it yet, and if they like it or not =p

im on ubuntu, but im waiting until they straighten out some of the bigger bugs.

Seems to be working perfectly for me. If you're using 7.4 then I advise you to upgrade by downloading the alternate install. Note that you should back up boot/grub/menu.lst incase windows is removed from it if you're dual-booting.

The main reason for me to like it over 7.4 is because it features read/write NTFS support.
RE: gutsy gibbon by Supersonicdarky on 10-29-2007 at 02:14 AM

Originally posted by davidpolitis
Seems to be working perfectly for me. If you're using 7.4 then I advise you to upgrade by downloading the alternate install.

The main reason for me to like it more than 7.4 is because it  features Full NTFS Support :P
- 7.04*
- feisty had full ntfs support too, you just had to install ntfs-3g
RE: RE: gutsy gibbon by davidpolitis on 10-29-2007 at 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Supersonicdarky
- 7.04*
- feisty had full ntfs support too, you just had to install ntfs-3g

RE: gutsy gibbon by joey on 10-29-2007 at 12:05 PM

my dad told me about a lot of people that have upgraded to gusty[7.10] have had problems with the interwebz, and slow/not being able to connect at all, so we're waiting a week or two till we upgrade =p

but i dont know if its true or not, just hearsay etc.

edit: oh and the best thing about any linux distro.... fortune! :P linkage(pdf)

RE: gutsy gibbon by RaceProUK on 10-30-2007 at 09:05 PM

I've had a few issues with the Netz, but I'll find a way round it.

RE: gutsy gibbon by kao on 10-30-2007 at 09:27 PM

No problems on mine at all.

RE: gutsy gibbon by RaceProUK on 11-01-2007 at 09:22 PM

Fixed my Netz problem; deleted /etc/network/interfaces and rebooted.

Typing this reply on the now wireless Kubuntu laptop while reclined on the sofa listening to 'Sweet Child O' Mine' on Planet Rock.

Edit: Just want to get Compiz working now.