
Plus not even showing up? - Printable Version

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Plus not even showing up? by WraithGod on 01-06-2008 at 07:23 AM

I think this might have something to do with my n00biness at Vista, but whenever I download MP!L and start up WML after installation, it's just... not there.  I can't find it in any blocked startup program lists or anything.  This started after that most recent update - it worked fine before that.

I browsed through the forum but no one seems to have the same problem, and "not showing up" isn't a successful search term, so that went nowhere. xD  Anyone have any ideas or a similar problem?

Also, no, I don't have Smiley something or Sweet IM - relatively new laptop and it's only ever had WML. And installing it in safe mode didn't work either...

RE: Plus not even showing up? by prashker on 01-06-2008 at 09:30 AM

Are you trying to install via a Limited User Account or a Administrator Account.

You should install it within a Administrator account.

Now when I installed MP!L on my Vista, it worked fine. But you could try right clicking the MP!L setup > Run as Administrator.

I can't guarrantee anything but you can try :)

RE: Plus not even showing up? by WraithGod on 01-16-2008 at 01:32 PM

That's not working either... and mine is the only account on this computer.

RE: Plus not even showing up? by Komiyan on 01-16-2008 at 10:59 PM

Maybe you have been trying to install Live Plus whilst still connected to the internet. I found that if you disconnect ur PC/laptop totally from the internet, and then install Plus, then re-connect back to the internet and sign-in, it should work fine ^^ Goodluck~