
MsgPlus! post-installation problem! - Printable Version

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MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by vangelis on 03-22-2008 at 11:47 PM


I am running Window's Vista and for some reason MsgPlus! stops working after I've installed it. It works immediately after installing the program and then once I reboot my computer it ceases to function.

I receive no error messages - it simply doesn't load when I open Messenger.

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing both Windows Live and MsgPlus! (as well as manually deleting the folders.)

I do not have SweetIM or SmileyCentral (or anything related) installed on my laptop - which is new by the way, and is relatively void of programs. (I doubt there is anything on here that would conflict.)

I can't figure out for the life of me what the problem you think it could be Vista-related?

Any suggestions would be helpful!

Thank you in advance!

RE: MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by ricola on 03-28-2008 at 11:57 AM

I have the same problem. I'm using Windows XP. I also don't have any SweetIM or SmileyCentral (or anything related)in my computer.

RE: MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by Aardvark on 03-28-2008 at 12:33 PM

I don't think you needed a poll for a problem you're having...

What version of Plus! are you using what version of WLM are you using does Plus! work when using a different version and/or a different WLM?

RE: MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by aNILEator on 03-28-2008 at 01:57 PM

Is the program folder still in existence? along with the .dll in Live Messenger folder?

Have you any problems with other programs at startup?

RE: MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by vangelis on 03-28-2008 at 07:29 PM

Versions of Plus! tried: 4.50 and 4.60 (neither work)
Version of WLM tried with the above: 8.5

The only other program startup problem I've had was when I tried to run The Sims 2. (It's not on my computer anymore.) Other than that, everything else has worked fine.

Yes, the Plus! folder is still in exsitence. Which .dll file are you referring to? There are no Plus! related .dll files in the WLM folder if that is what you are asking.

(P.S. I made the poll because I was curious to know if anyone else was having the same problem. I'm trying to determine whether it is a program problem or an issue with my laptop.)

RE: MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by Patchou on 03-28-2008 at 07:40 PM

The problem is probably related to a device driver on your computer. If you find which one, I'd be happy to know about it.

As for a fix, after you reboot your computer and Plus! does not appear to be here, access the contact list's menu (press alt or click on the menu button on the right in WLM8.5), you should have a Plus! menu sith a single entry about software compatibility. There, you can disable safe mode. Do it and reboot again, this may fix the problem.

Let us know :)

RE: MsgPlus! post-installation problem! by vangelis on 03-28-2008 at 08:18 PM

The Plus! menu wasn't showing up, so I had to re-install Plus!

Now that it is showing up (I haven't rebooted yet), I still can't find an entry about "software compatibility."

Edit: Okay, someone directed me to this thread:
and I now realize that Messenger isn't picking up on the error. The Plus! menu does not display those options - it looks normal.

However, I still have the problem of Plus! not loading with Messenger whenever I restart my computer. If I un-install and re-install, Plus! works fine until I reboot/shut down.

Are there any more things I can try?