Please, include again catalan at installer - Printable Version -Shoutbox ( +-- Forum: MsgHelp Archive (/forumdisplay.php?fid=58) +--- Forum: Messenger Plus! for Live Messenger (/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +---- Forum: Translation (/forumdisplay.php?fid=24) +----- Thread: Please, include again catalan at installer (/showthread.php?tid=84204) Please, include again catalan at installer by daniol on 06-08-2008 at 04:08 PM
Catalan Language is currently the seventh language in Europe with more than 12 millions of speakers in total. The European regions in which this language is spoken are Catalonia, The Valencian Country (where catalan is also known as "valencian"), the Balearic Islands, "Franja de Ponent" area (Aragón), the state of Andorra, L'Alguer region (Italy) and North Catalonia (France - Languedoc). RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by Choli on 06-08-2008 at 07:21 PM
quote:It isn't up to the admins to include the file again in the installer. Patchou, the creator of Plus, is the only person who can take that decision. And first of all, he can't include the file if it isn't posted in the forums . Therefore, el_libre should first upload it to the forums, and notify Patchou. After that, it's up to Patchou to decide. quote:IMO, That's a bit too much... As a primary language, and skopen usually, there are about 4.5 million people. No more than 10 million people can speak it, and no more than 11 million can understand it. Anyway, that's not the point. Patchou doesn't care about the number of catalan speakers but the number of people who choose Catalan in the instalation of Plus. What I mean is that, in the case that Patchou decides to include the catalan language in the instalation, a lot of people should demand it... otherwise Patchou will end removing the language. (which was not what happened to the old catalan translation.... as far as I know, it was removed due to the old translators not updating it anymore). RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by riahc4 on 08-09-2008 at 01:27 AM
quote: Stop making up facts and stop making this political. Next thing you know you will problably ask for the flag to be displayed in Plus! Only 9.1 million speak it. RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by Leo_IB on 02-04-2009 at 08:30 AM Hello, without entering into personal considerations, I would also like to see Catalan reintroduced into Messenger Plus! with the same status as any other language. Please. RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by pocasolta on 02-04-2009 at 05:31 PM
hello everyone, RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by djdannyp on 02-04-2009 at 05:42 PM
It doesn't matter how many people speak it, or how many of them use the's how many Messenger Plus! Live users of it there are. RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by pocasolta on 02-04-2009 at 08:31 PM
hello again, RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by toddy on 02-04-2009 at 09:05 PM
plus is created by one person, with a limited budget RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by Choli on 02-05-2009 at 11:29 PM
please, let me repeat what i said before: quote:so don't ask for the catalan language to be added again to Plus... because we have not any updated catalan translation... Maybe you shoud try to contact old translators and/or start updating the translation by yourselves RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by pocasolta on 02-06-2009 at 08:08 PM
hi Choli, Please, don't mess with catalan and catalan users by el_libre on 02-12-2009 at 11:30 PM
Em sembla de mal gust que algú espanyol critiqui una llengua germana com és el català, i que ho faci algú que no la parla, ja que així està parlant una persona que DESCONEIX la situació REAL (convido a qui sigui que visiti BARCELONA a veure si té problemes per parlar, no ja en català, sinó en qualsevol altre llengua (English of course). RE: Please, include again catalan at installer by Choli on 02-14-2009 at 12:32 AM
el_libre, perdona que et contesti, però no estic d'acord amb la teva postura. El primer és que ningú ha criticat el català (ni menys jo, com poses a la teva pàgina). L'únic que hem fet és exposar les raons per les quals el català no està inclòs en la traducció actual i les raons per les quals no és immediat el tornar a incloure'l de nou. quote:És cert que el xinès té més parlants que l'espanyol, però, l'espanyol és l'idioma més utilitzat pels usuaris del Messenger Plus, tal com pots veure a l'última publicació d'estadístiques. A lo que vull arribar és al següent: - No em sembla apropiat distribuir un idioma que no està actualitzat. - Em sembla correcte que en el Plus s'incloguin quants més idiomes millor. No estic del tot d'acord amb Patchou a treure els idiomes que menys s'usen, però entenc els seus arguments i em limito a exposar de forma objectiva quina és la situació. - Ni guanyo ni perdo res si s'inclou o no el català o qualsevol altre idioma en el Plus. - No depèn de mi en absolut, ni la meva veu té cap pes, en la decisió de quins idiomes s'inclouen en el Plus. Dit això, crec que ha quedat prou clara la meva postura. En resum és: fes una traducció al català (com veig que ja has fet), fes que sigui bona (això ho suposo que ho és, no l'he mirada), publica-la al fòrum i fes-li publicitat, fes que la gent demani i utilitzi la teva traducció i demana a Patchou que la inclogui de nou en el Plus. A partir d'aquí, és decisió de Patchou i només d'ell, el què fer amb la traducció. Gràcies. |