
Can't add music to Library in WMP - Printable Version

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Can't add music to Library in WMP by jenXsub on 06-27-2008 at 03:02 AM

i need help with my Windows Media Player because i cant add any music to the  library :|

i have pressed 'Add' on monitored folders + selected the music folder but it doesnt sdo anything8o|

okk help much appreciated (Y)

RE: Can't add music to Library in WMP by Chris4 on 06-27-2008 at 09:15 PM

Hey, I found a fix for you here.
Related to XP and Vista.

I'll rewrite it in an easier way...


1. First, make sure Windows Media Player is closed.
2. Go to Start > Run > Type in services.msc and press OK.
    This will show a list of Services.
3. Scroll down and look for services starting with Windows Media Player.
4. Right click on each of them and choose Stop. Close Services.

5. Go to Start > Run > Type in this and click OK:

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\
6. Highlight everything (CTRL+A) and delete them.

Now when you restart Windows Media Player, you should be able to add music to your library again.
RE: Can't add music to Library in WMP by jenXsub on 06-28-2008 at 03:24 AM

thank youuu very much (Y)x