
Something REally Strange.. Please advise.. - Printable Version

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Something REally Strange.. Please advise.. by dawnccccc on 07-31-2008 at 03:49 PM

Last night, i was looking at my EVENT VIEWER and I saw on two different times all of my contacts that were blocked were unblocked..  I have about 50 contacts, and all but 2 are blocked or deleted.  The contacts still show blocked in my options/privacy tab on msn.  And they never showed up on the list.  but just on the EVENT VIEWER it showed all with : contact was unblocked, and it never showed them blocked again.  This happened 2x yesterday.  What could cause this?  Was my msn hacked or what?  Please advise.  And thank you in advance for any help. 

RE: Something REally Strange.. Please advise.. by Spunky on 07-31-2008 at 08:42 PM

Do you have any scripts installed

RE: Something REally Strange.. Please advise.. by dawnccccc on 07-31-2008 at 09:50 PM

No I don't have any scripts installed at all. 

RE: Something REally Strange.. Please advise.. by Patchou on 07-31-2008 at 11:38 PM

did this happen after you signed-in? (like after a connection loss). This could be a glitch caused by messages sent by the Messenger server.

RE: Something REally Strange.. Please advise.. by dawnccccc on 08-01-2008 at 12:22 AM

It was during an open session..  I had not signed in our out recently.  I was did however using the polygomy feature, i had 2 different accounts open during that time.. I don't know if that makes a difference,. but it happened two times, about 3 hours apart.