
Changing background? - Printable Version

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Changing background? by Leonmb on 09-05-2008 at 08:20 PM

On MsnPlus 4.70 how do I change the Background for the Contact List and Logon page  Without Changing the skin?!?

RE: Changing background? by djdannyp on 09-05-2008 at 08:55 PM

You would still technically need to apply a skin to do this, however you could just create a skin that adds in the appropriate images.

You'd need to edit the 923 and 947 definition files and add in an element like this:

<element  layoutpos=right content=rcimg(59000)/>

and then define 59000 as a new picture (the background you want) in your SkinInfo.xml

and then just apply the skin and it should just make those changes.

If you don't want to do it via skinning then you can use this script to change the background of the contact list, but not the logon window

RE: Changing background? by Quantum on 09-05-2008 at 09:07 PM

You cannot really do it without changing the skin.

You can change the color by doing this when signed in:

[Image: helpbj4.jpg]
[Image: helpbj4.c370975f3e.jpg]

RE: Changing background? by Leonmb on 09-05-2008 at 09:08 PM

Hah nevermind XD

I just have the regual 1