
Quick text Multiple Message Delay - Printable Version

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Quick text Multiple Message Delay by AceyUnLtd on 12-19-2008 at 04:45 AM

Hey all, I've spent quite a bit of time searching the forum but keep coming across how to do it with the old version of Plus.

I have a few multi line Quick text but I would like a delay before it sends the next line. A few of my quick texts are about 5 lines at most.

Best Example is the Happy Birthday one.

In the previous version it was #2# before each line of text so I could have a 2 second delay before it sent that line. However if I use that with the current MP!L it actually sends the #2# as well.

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600)
Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1018
Messenger Plus! Live

If there is a script that does this could you post a link please.
