
People adding me, but i can't accept?? - Printable Version

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People adding me, but i can't accept?? by AlyKitten on 03-24-2009 at 07:44 AM

Hey I have messenger plus, and the latest download of msn.
It keeps popping up with something saying I have an 'invitation', but everytime I click on it it disappears...
What do I do? I've looked for ways to try and add the person, but I can't find anything... What do I do?

Thanks for your time ^^

RE: People adding me, but i can't accept?? by Menthix on 03-24-2009 at 12:23 PM

You mean the yellow bar in your contacts list? A browser window should open when you click it, which leads you to But I have the same problem, once I'm on the invitations page it will say I don't have any invitations. Everytime I sign in to Messenger the yellow bar comes back.

I have that same issue on at least 2 accounts :(.