
Error code 81000306 works when it wants to. - Printable Version

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Error code 81000306 works when it wants to. by Karazykid on 03-25-2009 at 06:54 PM

Sometimes I can sign on to messenger just fine. Sometimes it says it's signing in forever and never does anything, and sometimes I get the stupid error code. I'm not running a firewall so clearly that isn't the problem, but I can't figure out what is.

Every time I run the troubleshooter or anything it comes up clean like it's supposed to work, but it just never connects. Then the times it does connect it might let me stay connected as long as I want, or it might cut me off at any moment and never let me back on again.

Is there something I'm not getting? There's gotta be a way to fix this. I've tried reinstalling and running other versions but it keeps happening.

RE: Error code 81000306 works when it wants to. by Chris4 on 03-25-2009 at 11:55 PM

Test #1

Unplug your router and connect directly to the internet with your modem. Do you still get the same error?


1. If you do get the same error, it's not your router that's the problem.
2. If you don't get the error and you can sign in successfully, the problem lies with your router.


Test #2

Do you get the error on a different computer, using the same internet connection?


1. If you do get the same error, there's a problem with your internet connection.
2. If it doesn't happen on another computer, there's a problem with just your computer.