
Other Messenger Plus user is crashin my WLM - Printable Version

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Other Messenger Plus user is crashin my WLM by Mouse_Nightshirt on 04-11-2009 at 12:54 PM

Hi there,

I'm having trouble with WLM due to messenger plus. Just so you are away, I don't have messenger plus installed but my contact does.

Every time I try to open a conversation with him, or he tries to start one with me, it crashes my WLM.

Now if he changes his name, or I change it from my WLM, it opens fine.

His name is [*b][c=#04103E]----->   G¡øvåÑÑ¡ <------ [/c=#127A03][*/b]  - (without the * in the bold tags) something in that is causing WLM to crash if I open a convo with that as the name. We've both done fresh WLM reinstalls as well, and he's done a fresh Messenger plus install, to no avail.

In the meantime, I've renamed him from my WLM, so it all works fine now, but I just thought I'd poke you and let you know.

RE: Other Messenger Plus user is crashin my WLM by blessedguy on 04-11-2009 at 12:57 PM

Sidequestion: Can formatting codes make WLM crash? ^o)

RE: Other Messenger Plus user is crashin my WLM by Menthix on 04-11-2009 at 01:00 PM

You don't have Plus! installed, but Messenger crashes on your side? In that case it's not a Messenger Plus! bug since it's not doing anything to the name you see.

EDIT: Tried it, but no problems here.

Side 1 (with the name)
Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 1 (6.0.6001)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0206
Messenger Plus! Live

Side 2 (opening the conversation)
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Service Pack 1 (6.0.6001)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0206
No Messenger Plus!