
Msn crashing when using 2 accounts. - Printable Version

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Msn crashing when using 2 accounts. by Earl on 05-10-2009 at 03:01 AM

I use Messenger Plus version  On live messenger version 2009(build 14.0.8064.206)

The error message i get is this:

"Windows Live comuications has stopped working"

  Navn på problemhendelse:    APPCRASH
  Programnavn:    wlcomm.exe
  Programversjon:    14.0.8064.206
  Tidsstempel for program:    498cddf7
  Navn på feilmodul:    msvcrt.dll
  Feilmodulversjon:    7.0.6001.18000
  Tidsstempel for feilmodul:    4791a727
  Unntakskode:    c0000005
  Unntaksforskyvning:    00009b30
  OS-versjon:    6.0.6001.
  ID for nasjonal innstilling:    1033
  Tilleggsinformasjon 1:    a5e2
  Tilleggsinformasjon 2:    1880f739c0d4061aa97a8986ae27024e
  Tilleggsinformasjon 3:    ad78
  Tilleggsinformasjon 4:    2bbab9fcabca0529c67e191cbfb9f106

Les vår personvernerklæring:

Usually i can use it for like 10-15 minutes maybe, then i get the error message, and it asks me if i want to close msn, even though it is still working fine. So then i can just minimize the error message and i can use it for another 10-15 minutes (just guessing the timeframe , but its more than 2 minutes and less than 30 anyway.) and then it stops working entierly and i have to restart it.Thanks for any help in advance.

Actually i just remembered that the chrash doesnt depend on me using 2 accounts. 1 account makes msn crash, the other does not.
RE: Msn crashing when using 2 accounts. by blessedguy on 05-10-2009 at 12:45 PM

The problem is with wlcomm.exe, all Live Programs that use an internet connection depend on it, so even WLMail would crash at the same time =). Anyways, comlpetely removing Windows Live Essentials and installing again would help (but better do it with the offline installer I guess.... it'll be faster)