
Script's "not enough privileges" problem - Printable Version

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Script's "not enough privileges" problem by jumbonionga on 08-04-2009 at 04:20 AM

I have been experiencing some problems with the scripts that I have installed right now on my MsgPlus (right now only 2, Now Playing and Display Picture Changer). Every time I reset or shut down my Windows Vista computer, and messenger is started again, the scripts stop working, and whenever I manually activate them, I get the "not enough privileges" message, although I'm running the program on an administrator account.

Does anyone had similar problems in the past?

RE: Script's "not enough privileges" problem by jumbonionga on 08-04-2009 at 04:25 AM

Messenger Plus! Live
No se pudo iniciar el script "Display Picture Changer".

El script puede estar daņado o puedes no tener suficientes privilegios para ejecutar scripts.

RE: Script's "not enough privileges" problem by blessedguy on 08-04-2009 at 05:08 PM

Try this:

1. Go to C:\Program Files , find the Messenger Plus! Live folder, right-click it, and select Propierties.
2. Go to the Security tab, click "Edit" (and accept it when UAC prompts you to), and allow "Complete Control" to your user and the admin user (starting with Vista, you don't own an Admin account, only Admin privileges, basically the same as Linuxes and Macs). Just apply and see if it works =)

RE: Script's "not enough privileges" problem by jumbonionga on 08-04-2009 at 05:34 PM

I did it and it doesn't work, thanks for the suggestion!