
Unknown online people without adding them to the my msn. - Printable Version

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Unknown online people without adding them to the my msn. by dedimyaa on 01-12-2010 at 08:06 PM

In the last two weeks I started to see some online people without my permisson to add my msn list. When I click them I see a page which says "you have add this person to your contact person and then u can send  message to him/her"
I changed my msn parrword and then it happened again.

Can anybody tell why this happens this problem and how can I solve the problem?

I don't understand how this happens without my permisson.

P.S.: I used my msn on my mobile one or two times on ebuddy and a few times with Nimbuzz.

Thanks in advance for your help and info.
Good evening to everbody!

RE: Unknown online people without adding them to the my msn. by blessedguy on 01-12-2010 at 10:17 PM

[Image: ifthen.png]

If that checkbox isn't ticked, then everyone who adds you to their contact list will be able to see your status, wether you add them to your contact list or not, only blocked people won't see your status or be able to message you.

If that checkbox is ticked, only people you can see in your contact list will be able to see your status or message you, still blocked people won't be able to see your status or message you.

Could you check if that checkbox is ticked?, under Tools > Options > Privacy

RE: Unknown online people without adding them to the my msn. by dedimyaa on 01-14-2010 at 12:42 PM

Yes, it is checked! Thank u for the information!

It is checked and I cannot uncheck it.
At first I thougt that it could be bsc of some kind of a virus! It's really annoying to see people that I didn't add but somebody who added me whithout telling anything.
Thanks again Blessedguy! Have a nice day!