
[Script Request] Growl Notifications - Printable Version

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[Script Request] Growl Notifications by samus on 01-17-2010 at 12:36 AM

I've used this site once before trying to get Growl Notifications and tried to adapt RunIt. The thread is here.

Basically, I failed miserably trying to do so and I was hoping somebody else could put one together please? (A)

This site here ( has instructions to start Growl Notifications and more, but I can't work out how to set up and adapt it.

If anyone has any spare time I'd really appreciate help on creating this myself or an actual script.


RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by Spunky on 01-17-2010 at 02:31 AM

I can take a look at this for you in a few hours when I wake up

RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by samus on 01-17-2010 at 10:53 AM

Thanks. :)
I've had a go at doing this through the Growl command line tool and a shell object, but I get an error when I try to run it.

My code:

var shell = new ActiveXObject("");
var cmd = 'growlnotify "' + Email + 'signed in"';

I'm not sure why this doesn't work. Another problem with using this method is that a shell window will pop up every time someone signs in so I want to try and integrate it with another API of theirs.
The list of APIs is here:

They have a Javascript one but I don't really understand it as it uses a flash file to send the notification or something..  [Image: huh.gif]

Thanks for replying,
RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by samus on 01-21-2010 at 08:30 PM

Sorry but BUMP. Could someone explain whats wrong with my code please..?
Sorry to be a pain.

RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by Matti on 01-21-2010 at 09:17 PM

You forgot the "function" keyword before your function definition.

js code:
function OnEvent_ContactSignin(Email){
    var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
    var cmd = 'growlnotify "' + Email + 'signed in"';

RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by matty on 01-21-2010 at 09:28 PM

js code:
function OnEvent_ContactSignedIn(sEmail) {
    new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Exec('C:\\Program Files\\Growl for Windows\\growlnotify.exe "'+sEmail+' signed in"');

You may need to change the path if you installed it into a different location.
RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by samus on 01-23-2010 at 11:27 AM

Cheers guys I've got it working now :D. I've added new functions etc. for different features and I'm going to try and modify it so that a command window doesn't pop up every time.
Any one know if its possible to do? With a batch file it would be @echo off wouldn't it? I can't seem to do this through the script.

Once I've got it all working well I'll package it up and anyone who wants Growl for Messenger can have it. :)

Cheers Samus

RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by Spunky on 01-23-2010 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by samus
Cheers guys I've got it working now :D. I've added new functions etc. for different features and I'm going to try and modify it so that a command window doesn't pop up every time.
Any one know if its possible to do? With a batch file it would be @echo off wouldn't it? I can't seem to do this through the script.

Once I've got it all working well I'll package it up and anyone who wants Growl for Messenger can have it. :)

Cheers Samus

What version of windows are you using? It doesn't pop up under Windows 7 and the script works as it should

Originally posted by


     There are two ways to use growlnotify.
     1. - Can be used from the console or included in batch scripts. Writes
                          success/failure messages to the console when the notification is
                          sent. Equivalent to using just 'growlnotify' with no extension.

     2. growlnotify.exe - Can be used with tools like AutoHotkey or launched from other GUI
                          applications. Will not spawn a console window, so notifications can
                          be sent silently
. No success or failure report is available. Must
                          explicitly include the .exe extension in order for Windows to
                          recognize which version to use.

RE: [Script Request] Growl Notifications by samus on 01-23-2010 at 01:18 PM

Ahh. My bad for not reading that. I'll continue working on this when I've got time and release it soon.