
Messenger Plus! Problem? - Printable Version

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Messenger Plus! Problem? by Smiddy on 04-16-2010 at 03:11 AM

I've started getting this problem a couple months ago and I've finally been pushed over the edge and I wanna find a solution...

So basically, sometimes after a long time of not talking on msn (at least thats the trend I've noticed..) I'll send a message to someone that I've been already talking to (their window is still up) and they just won't receive the message at all. It'll appear to be sent and everything will seem fine on my end but then it turns out that they didn't get the message at all.

I've narrowed the problem down the Messenger Plus because I recently reformatted my computer, installed msn and had no problems, but i installed plus for the 'boss mode' and since i've re-installed it, the problem has come back..

Any idea what's going on or any clue of a fix for it?


if it makes any difference or whatever.. i've got windows xp, messenger plus! live version:, and windows live version 2009 (build 14.0.8089.726)

RE: Messenger Plus! Problem? by CookieRevised on 04-16-2010 at 08:13 AM

Unfortunatly such problems are caused by Messenger itself (or failed connection due to some malfunctioning router/modem), not by Messenger Plus!. Messenger Plus! doesn't have anything todo with the protocol/system to send and recieve messages.

It is most likely that it was pure coincidence that you experienced another failed message after you've re-installed Messenger Plus! though.

RE: Messenger Plus! Problem? by Smiddy on 04-17-2010 at 02:36 AM

okay, thanks.