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Anyone help me? by samwonghc on 08-19-2010 at 05:16 AM

I Downloaded Messenger Plus and install,when i use the emotion sounds,I can't hear anything!I used preview mode,but i can't hear it either!and also i send some custom emotion sounds,it said "The server may be under maintenance."
How can i fix it?

RE: Anyone help me? by Chrono on 08-19-2010 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by samwonghc
I Downloaded Messenger Plus and install,when i use the emotion sounds,I can't hear anything!
there are some sounds that arent working in the current release (apparently, people at yuna are too lazy to fix this :P), so try all of them, there are some that still work.

About the "server under maintenance" message, it's a quite common thing, it means that the servers arent working fine. You should try again later, i guess they'll get better servers at some point :P
RE: Anyone help me? by Menthix on 08-19-2010 at 09:09 AM

The sound servers do seem to be a bit unreliable at times.
Although I don't have the dodgy problem Chrono has, fix your own system :p

However, if you are never able to send or receive any sound at all even when you tried at a few different times, something else might be the problem. Can you access in your browser? Sounds are downloaded by Plus! internally from that location. If something is preventing connection to that server that will explain why sounds aren't playing. It could be due a firewall or some kind of security application. For example, up until 2 days ago MalwareBytes was blocking the IP addresss of the sound servers.

RE: Anyone help me? by Chrono on 08-19-2010 at 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Menthix
Although I don't have the dodgy problem Chrono has, fix your own system
im not the only one with the problem, hence it's not just my system :p