27/06/2006: Better error handling. Configuration Box - no more random WMContentID or blank albums if you have good tags.
Known Bugs: If registration fails, you have to restart MSN Messenger to try again.
wtWilt: or what the World is listening to:
is a plugin which let's you display the song you're listening to (via the now playing feature in messenger) on a web page. It uses the same sort of method as google adsense. Planned features include: your favourite listens, song recommendations based on other people listening to the same songs as you are... watch this space
Download and import. Fill out the registration form, First and Surnames are optional but recommended, if you should ever need to ask me for help, I won't have to call you Mr.Email@email.whatever.
The e-mail address can be any address but might as well use your messenger one, and the password is NOT your e-mail password. An easy to remember one is recommended since you'll need it to log into the website.
If the registration went smoothly, you'll get a pop up saying registration success. If there was a problem, then please post a reply with the error message here or e-mail me at wilt[nospam]@wtwilt.com
[The website:
After you've registered goto the website and log in with the e-mail and password you used. There you can see the last 10 songs you've played and also copy and paste the html code you need.
N.B You can style the table as much as you want. For simplicity I've only used the &styleAll. You can use &styleArtist,&styleTitle,&styleAlbum to customise the look of each.
Also, if you have a badly tagged music collection, I'd rather you not join, it would just mean that I'd have more work to do cleaning up the mess.
If you need to clean up your mp3 collection i'd strongly recommend
it's free and very very useful!
But most most Most importantly! Have fun!