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A level Choices
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RE: RE: A level Choices
Originally posted by aNILEator
[rant = djdannyp and his sports science]
Oxbridge = worst spliced word ever

PE is stupid :P

Sports science is a stupid way of making PE sound cooler and advanced.

Also everyone I've ever known or seen doing 'sports science' has been a real dumbarse and/or have social and behavioral issues (can only think of "and's" actually...*-) and all chavs too). They've also not done anything after obtaining it.
Originally posted by djdannyp
and you actually cover more in depth Biology than Biology A Level does!
Obviously had crap teacher for biology then, why don't you go kick a ball at a wall and count your heart beat for a while.

clearly yet another very badly informed person.

was nothing to do with a bad biology teacher (and wasn't even me doing biology, was others in my sports science class)......the fact remains that sports science covers further depth in biology than A level Biology does because more specifics of the processes are required.

and it's called sports science because it is just that: a science.  it compromises aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, sociology, psychology, physiology and plenty of other things.  and like i said, anyone quick to criticise it should bear in mind that sports science is almost solely responsible for the improvements in our professional sports in the last 20 years or so.

think what you want about it being "dumbarses" and "people with social issues" because the latter is often also said of people with good computer knowledge, which accounts for a large number of people here, including yourself.....and since when were stereotypes to be trusted?  going along with the view of a stereotype as being correct is pretty small minded.

and wow, posting in white so people won't see it, aren't you clever.  how pathetic is it trying to point score over something you clearly know nothing about?
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5251 days, 10 hours, 14 minutes, 34 seconds ago
08-04-2008 12:29 AM
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...in the wake of the aNILEator

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RE: A level Choices
Ok why does PE have such a bad reputation amongst other courses and professions then? (For example the jokes and insults about PE teachers that I've heard from other subject teachers far outweighs any other education jokes)

Personally I just really dislike current day sports and PE (and the media and sponsorship and advertising and money thrown into and around it), and find that the people who do do it, get really defensive and argumentative about it :P

I enjoy being sarcastic and witty where I can and can take having the piss taken out of me and a joke. My line about kicking a football and counting your heartbeats; well that's what the sports science lot at college did :P I'd've not got shirty being told to go away and play with some clay and take photographs :P The dumbarses and social issues, the kids who were kicked out of school for violence and drug abuse went to college and did carpentry or sports science, have ASBO's and have at least 1 child before they're 19.... I think you'll agree those people aren't the best examples of budding young sports scientists... and unfortunately not a such a rare occurrence.

As for your statement on Biology Vs PE. I just can't see why both would exist in the same education centre then. If PE = More, Better, and In depth Biology than Biology, why have Biology? I think what you may have meant is that you learn more in depth about various human biological processes, bone and muscle structure/effects etc.
08-04-2008 01:45 AM
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RE: A level Choices
Sport science is not something to be underestimated at all. At least not here. They are very hard studies and demand a lot on both physical and mental levels.

Obviously when someone says "kicking a ball against the wall and timing your heart beat is stupid" is meant in a sarcastic way (I hope). But so it pooring some liquids together and hoping it will blow up, or trying to proof that SQR(xy) =< (x+y)/2....

Sport science is a real science and just as hard as rocket science or whatever else.

Of course PE does not have better/more biology than biology science. It isn't less either. The focus is just different. You would learn more about the body physics in PE than in biology. But you would learn more about DNA in biology than in PE.

This goes for everything, from carpentry to history, philosphy, history, whatever....

I would realy like to see somebody who says carpentry is less, making a chair and table, a scenery or even a whole house. And somebody who says chemistry is worth nothing to try and make a bar of soap. etc...

If you only have the choice between biology and PE for example, then it is quite simple: do you like sports? Do you like to know how the humand body works and performs or does what it does? Do you want to know how you can improve your stamina? Do you like to know how it is possible that Navy Seals do what they do as they appear to do superhuman stuff? Or are you interested in DNA, how cells and life is formed? etc... Those are the kind of questions you should think about. Not about stuff like "what would they think"? Or what is the 'best' level? Or what should I take if I want to go to Oxford?

This post was edited on 08-04-2008 at 02:30 AM by CookieRevised.
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08-04-2008 02:21 AM
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