you can do a delay, but it is limited to 1-9 secs. so this might not really be to much of a help...
A timer is an ok idea but you would need to use the messenger api to send messages... If you don't want to use the api you can also do "mulitple" time delay with the plugin, you would just need to make a empty command and call it for eksample "/xpause" or whatever, and that command shall just set the sResult = "" and then return.... then when you want to call the dropfile and then wait some time you could call it like this
sResult = "#/dropfile c:\fun.jpg" & vblf & "#9#/xpause" & vblf & "#9#/xpause" & vblf & "#9#Check this out!!!"
In this example the pause will be 27 seconds from the file has been dropped til the messages is sent... you can do a total of 20 commands, which means you can do 18 pauses between the 2 commands, that is 18 * 9 = 162 secs = 2 mins and 42 secs....
This is not a recommended method but it can be used if you don't want to do api's in your plugin then this is proberly the onliest way you can do it....
Also note that using this method while your plugin is "pausing" you can NOT call any other commands, if you do that then the command currently running will be terminated.... so....
Good luck...