Microsoft Windows issues
To delete/reset the value shown on the welcome screen:
(note that this isn't a Messenger Plus! problem)
Go to your registry (
Start > Run... > regedit) and...
To reset the count for an individual emailaddress:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail\<The E-Mail Address>
In the right pane modify
MessageCount: Change it to 0.
To reset the count for all emailaddress:
Same as above, but do it for all emailaddresses. Or simply delete the entire branch:
Make the expiration for the emailcount higher/lower:
Even if mail is read it could be that it still is shown as unread in the welcome screen for a couple of days. This number of days can be set like so:
In the right pane modify
MessageExpiryDays: Change it to 0 or the numbers of days you would prefer.
To change it machine wide (thus for all users on the PC):
In the right pane modify
MessageExpiryDays: Change it to 0 or the numbers of days you would prefer.
See also:;en-us;831403
MSN Messenger & Messenger Plus!
The mailcount shows the total mails not the total of unread mails:
The mailchecker counts how many mails that are in the mailbox, not how many unread mails there are.
This is a limitation of your mailserver, not from Messenger Plus!; some servers can not distinguish between read mails and unread mails and thus return the number of total emails. Messenger Plus! can't do anything about it; it is your mail server itself that is having problems sticking to the POP3 protocol. The only solution is to move your read mails to another folder which isn't counted or to delete your read mails from the server.
In case of Gmail see also "
MsgPlus! 3.50 Pop3 Gmail Limitations". Note that Gmail has even greater problems when it comes down to the POP3 protocol.
The mailcount doesn't show the correct number:
I want to add/remove the hotmail emailcount when I use the POP3-feature:
Both questions/problems have the same cause and solution: In Messenger Plus! you can set a special registry key for this:
POPAddHotmail (only when you're using MSN Messenger 6 or below).
You can enable or disable this by using
Choli's Plus! Tweaker, or by going to the registry to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2\<The E-Mail Address>\Preferences
and add or change
- If you set it to true (1), the hotmail emailcount will be added to the POP3 emailcount.
- If you set it to false (0), the hotmail emailcount will not be used and you will get only the POP3 emailcount (provided your server returns the correct unread emails of course, see above).
- This registry setting is only for MSN Messenger 6 and below.