ok. So i managed to scrounge this code from like one of my best friends.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo error:
Open "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" For Binary As #1
Put #1, &H16EC1, "4542"
Close #1
MsgBox "Banner has been sucessfully removed"
MsgBox "Please close messenger!"
End Sub
He told me he used it for messenger 4 or MSN 4 i can't remember which. But he wont explain it to me. He tells me i gotta work it out myself. But i have spent a while trying to understand it. I undersstand that "4542" is a variable of some sort but the "&H16EC1" part i dont. I hex edit and find nothing of the sort. Plus in the code it shows no sign of changing variables at all. So i'm really stuck on this. So if anyone could help me that would be great