Originally posted by supersonicdarky
If you MSN messes up and refuses to load or a plug-in messes up and freezes your msn, you could be able to run it and it loads MSN without all plug-ins
currently, plus already does that. If an installed plugin behaves incorrectly, or crashes or does something nasty, plus will automatically disable it, and won't load that plugin the next time.
Originally posted by supersonicdarky
and undoes the skin you have (if you install one)
1st: skins aren't loaded. Think in skins as is you were using another program than messenger. Skins modify the files (dlls and/or exe) of messenger, so they can't be unloaded. You can, however, revert to the original messenger if you kept a backup of it before installing the skin or if you repair the installation of messenger.
2nd: plus has nothing to do with skins, not even it knows you've modified your messenger and are running a skinned version of it. So if messenger crashes due to the skin, Plus isn't able to know that, so it can't do anything.,