Open notepad and create a new text file (if you haven't already),
type (or copy/paste) this:
function talker(input) {
return "\x08"+input;
Next, hit File -> Save As
In Save as type select "All Files", in Encoding select "ANSI", and save it to:
C:\program files\MessengerPlus! 3\Plugins\StuffPlug-NG\Talkers\talker.noicon.js
This will create a new talker named "noicon" doing just what you want
[small]Little note: I used /x08 as auto-talkers get parsed AFTER messenger-plus sees the text, using /noicon wouldn't have any effect, so I add the noicon character manually
You could also solve your problem by writing an autotalker that would replace the ( x ) emoticon with something else like:
that will stop MSN from seeing it as an icon too, and msgplus wil remove those bold tags later
I suggest you use the above example, and read up on javascript (or ask a compsci-student to help you) and write your own talker for it...
the codes for bold, color, etc are:
const char* sCCColor = "\x03"; //Ctrl+K multi-format
const char* sCCBold = "\x02"; //Ctrl+B multi-format
const char* sCCItalic = "\x05"; //Ctrl+T multi-format
const char* sCCUnderline = "\x1F"; //Ctrl+U multi-format
const char* sCCStrikeout = "\x06"; //Ctrl+S multi-format
const char* sCCReset = "\x0F"; //Ctrl+O multi-format
//When placed at the beginning of a message, this control character
//asks Messenger Plus! to temporary disable emoticons for the
const char* sCCNoIcon = "\x08";
(They're taken from C++, all you need is the parts between "s)
I hope this solves your problem