Originally posted by rav0
You have a calculator that does algebra ! For three variables !
I didn't even know that such things existed. My school sells the fx-82MS now, but they had the fx-82TL when I started high school. I have a fx-100AU.
We've all always wanted to be able to key in an equation and get an answer, and we believed that it was impossible .
I guess that a calculator that can do that wouldn't be "board approved" though and we wouldn't be able to take it into our exams though.
True. It needs to be "board approved" I could have got the fx 3000d
But thats not allowed as you can store formulas (predefined functions) in it.
I have that calculator cause i aint in school anymore. And doing algebra aint a big thing here. You should know how to slove the sums with all kinds of methods .... solving it is no biggy (with the calculator, else you cant finish a 3 hour paper even in 12 hours) With a calculator like fx-100d (The "basic" scientific calculator) it will take me 4-4.5 hours to do all the calculations ....
Hence there are only a few "board approved" calculators for the year you are in. As you goto higher grades and university eventually, you'll have to upgrade your "hardware"
In school you need to know how to solve stuff .... we didnt have calculators approved by our board. No state in our country can do that
But by the time you goto university, you are already so good at it, they dont care anymore