RE: problem with universaljnrzloader pluging
It is not a plugin, it's a use it to load MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger (login appear offline and enable polygamy). This means you open universal jnrzloader and tell it to load MSN Messenger (forget about the MSN icon on your desktop). Aslong as MSN is installed in the default folder all should work fine.
From the readme:
you can also load the messenger without loading the GUI.
- create a shortcut
- right shortcut, hit properties
- append " -C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" to the target without quotes. {space}{-}{MSNPath}
It is not a trojan, all it does is load MSN for you (and keeps it in memory to enable polygamy). You can safely grant it access in AVG and consider that warning a false one.
I even tried if it would load WLM and allow polygamy with that, and it does. You can download the newest version of universal jnrzloader from my website (click image below).
This post was edited on 03-03-2006 at 06:36 PM by Sunshine.