What is the trojan? Thing is, nowdays a virus/ torjan maybe something completly harmless. Anti-viruses pick up on anything because the public is paranoided of viruses. It could be adware. Was the new trojan in your system restore?
theres 2! They are both called trojan.downloader
one is called unistall.exe and the other one is called I dont know but the uninstall.exe is in the temp folder in Local Settings and I can't find it!
Also I know one of them is a trojan because I have got banned from all my forums for no reason, so of which I havn't been on for months!
If the worst comes to the worst eat a cake makes you feel better!
It looks like adware. Using your scanner damaged it. It is not a trojan nor a threat. That's the thing, never remove anything unless you know what it is. The adware had an uninstaller but your scanner has now damaged it. But do not worry, the thing is no threat