O.P. [Question] Interop object and Call to Shell_NotifyIcon
Hello, I know that the Interop object has a function named Call wich allows us to call functions from external dll's. I want to call the Shell_NotifyIcon function wich is used to create an icon on the systray. The thing is that I don't know exactly how to invoke the fuction since it is called:
where NIM_ADD is the message &H0
and niData is a variable of structure NOTIFYICONDATA defined as follows:
cbSize As Long
hWnd As Long
uID As Long
uFlags As Long
uCallbackMessage As Long
hIcon As Long
szTip As String * 128
dwState As Long
dwStateMask As Long
szInfo As String * 256
uTimeoutAndVersion As Long
szInfoTitle As String * 64
dwInfoFlags As Long
guidItem As GUID
End Type
Hope someone can help,
Thanks in advance.
This post was edited on 06-25-2006 at 05:06 PM by unknown1506.