I'm trying to read a REG_BINARY registry key, and it just won't work.
This is the key I'm trying to read:
And this is the code I'm using:
var Shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var path = "HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSNMessenger\\PerPassportSettings\\" + Messenger.MyUserId + "\\Sounds\\MSNMSGR_";
var keys = Array(path+"Buzz");
var enabled = Shell.RegRead(keys[0]+"\\Enabled");
var test = Shell.RegRead(keys[0]+"\\Path");
Debug.Trace("Path: " + test + " E: " + enabled);
"Enabled" works just fine, but Path doesn't. I found out that after trying to read that key, the
typeof test is "unknown" as opposed to "undefined". I think that means it does contain some information. Help?
(Ignore the Array() part, I cut if off because it's not necessary to find/fix the problem)
Dear god, please make someone fix the code tags so indentation is preserved.