ok.follow my instructions:
first you must get wpe pro...then
-extract a .flt file in the archive
-open wpe pro and in low to the left click on browse folder icon and open a script filter
-check a filter just loaded
-click on "on"(eheh)
-click on "target program" and select msnmsgr.exe
...last click on play
the script doesn't always work because in the packet there are variable
(for example a number of message...this script works from number 100 to 999)so the offsets are not constants..
This is an example of packet tipyng user:
MSG 113 U 97..MIME-Version: 1.0..Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol..TypingUser: blackuser@hotmail.com.......
i make a script with this instruction: search in the send packets data from offset n 70 to 79.if find this string "TypingUser" block this packet.
so if variable of number message is more than 999 or is less than 100 the script doesn't work because the offsets change..I'm making a program in .net that allows always block notification...wait for 3 weeks...