Yes, sure, but you will have to edit it yourself. Find all sections where it says:
Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Swear Jar: " + Count;
That is where it sets what your personal message will look like.
Count is your swear jar count, and the quoted stuff is just extra wording. So for example, to get "BlaBlaBla Swear Jar: xx BlaBlaBla", change it to:
Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "BlaBlaBla Swear Jar: " + Count + " BlaBlaBla";
NOTE: There are two sections in the code that you have to change. If you don't change them both, your personal message will be inconsistent.
If you need help, just tell me. I can edit the script so you only have to edit one line.
EDIT: Here is a new version of the script so you only have to change one line.
How to change your personal message format:
1. Open your contact list.
2. Click the Plus! menu icon.
3. Click the
Preferences... menu.
4. Go to the
General > Scripts tab.
5. Find and select
Swear Jar.
6. Click the
Edit... button.
7. In the new window, edit the following to your custom personal message:
var Psm = "Swear Jar: (!COUNT)";
8. Use "(!COUNT)" to show the swear jar count ("(!COUNT)" is replaced
var Psm = "BlaBlaBla Swear Jar: (!COUNT) BlaBlaBla";
... or with quotation marks:
var Psm = "BlaBlaBla \"Swear Jar: (!COUNT)\" BlaBlaBla";
9. Click the
Save All button.
8. Click the
Close button.
9. You're done!
NOTE: If you need quotation marks (") or back-slashes (\), you will need to add a back-slash in front of them to "escape" them, ie. "\"" and "\\".