Okay extremely simple script i just edited my google one basically you use this script to search the scripts database for scripts. Saves loading the url.
All you have to do is in a conversation type "/search [SCRIPT NAME HERE]"
i cba packaging so heres the source. Just create a new script and c&p
// Feel free to use any part of this script
// Created by Ashylay
// This text can eb removed but I would like it if you kept it here in credit for me.
function OnGetScriptCommands(){
var commands = "<ScriptCommands>";
commands += " <Command>"
commands += " <Name>search</Name>"
commands += " <Description>Search for MSG+ Scripts easily!</Description>"
commands += " </Command>"
commands += "</ScriptCommands>"
return commands;
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, Message) {
if(/^\/search\s(.+)$/i.test(Message)) {
var Param = RegExp.$1;
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Script Searcher", "You have searched for "+Param+" Please wait.");
new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/search/?q="+escape(Param));
return "";
Edit: I have updated the script so if you want to edit it yourself you can easily.
Edit the red parts to change /search to /[Whatever you like]
Edit the parts in clue to change the URL (remember when changing the url only place the part just before the text you type comes in PM for more info on this.