I have write a new XML file with the italian interface translation for the script Now Playing 1.3.0
(necessary wait for 30 seconds)
- Open your Messenger Plus! Live installation directory (generally
C:/Programmi/Messenger Plus! Live).
- Go to
/Script/Now Playing/Language and paste this file
- In Windows Live Messenger click in the Script Preferences button (where
there are three cubes), then Now Playing and then Configure. So select
Italiano in Interface Language
For the author
- Add the italian translation file into the next version of the script, when you
upload it in the database
Per gli utenti italiani
- Aprite la cartella dove avete installato Messenger Plus! Live
- Entrare in /Script/NowPlaying/Language e incollate il file
- Entrate a questo punto in WLM e cliccate sul pulsante con le preferenze
degli script (quello coi tre cubi colorati), poi andate su Now Playing e su
Configure.. quindi selezionate Italiano in Interface Language
It's all..