Originally posted by TristanTJ
The update patch is also downloadable here:
pretty big file actually for an update with ''no actual changes'' (6.71mb) hmmm.
Ermm, were did they say "no actual changes". They said no real
visible changes to the outside, which does not mean nothing is changed internally. Eg: a total recoding of Messenger is also "no visual changes", yet almost each bit would have changed in the code.
As for the size of the patch file itself: It also might be perfect possible that this is not a delta patch (a delta patch is a patch which only contains/changes part of files). So it is possible that this patch contains whole files instead of just parts. (I cba to decompose the msp file to check if this is the case, waste of time anyways*).
Either way, size does not say a thing about the possible changes.
* ok, I had some time to be wasted anyways
: the patch file does contain full files (eg: msnmsgr.exe, msgslang.dll and another 18 complete files) and thus isn't a delta patch.