Looks like you've pressed Ctrl+Minus (zoom in) a bit too much.
Try Ctrl+Plus. It's the hot key for "zoom out" in Internet Explorer, which is embedded in the Log Viewer to display the logs. So basically, if the hot key works in Internet Explorer, it'll also work in Log Viewer.
EDIT: Hmm... seems like that isn't working properly here...
EDIT2: Okay, here's what you REALLY should do
assuming you're running Internet Explorer 7 or later:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Set the page zooming to 100% (bottom right corner).
- Press Ctrl+0 (zero). This will reset the text size.
- Close Internet Explorer.
- Open Log Viewer and see if it worked.

Originally posted by foaly
just open the log viewer, hold ctrl and scroll using your mouse...
that should solve the problem...
That's the problem... it doesn't work in Log Viewer.