I knew not to trust you, seeing through what I'm doing
. Ah well, I've made no secret of it, just trying to do something I like, and learn a littl ein the process.
TBH, the showsettings was being used because thats how I did it in my last script, which worked fine, and to ensure that the strings were always there since it doesn't work without.
Cheers for the !MessengerStart suggestion. I'm still learning little tricks like that. hopefully one day I will return to form and be able to script anything again. (Believe it or not - I struggle to - I was once top of class at Uni, far above everyone else. Now, I'm on the streets, being handed scraps by those with plenty).
- Sorry, should have explained the script bit there. When I put up the code, I omitted the UserSignon, which called LoadSettings as well, so that the script did also get the vars when someone signed on, so as to give multi user support.