I had installed sponsor while installing 4.70 or even an old version. But during a virus scan, it damaged sponsor's files. A couple of days ago I wanted to uninstall it but I couldn't because it said the sponsor's uninstallation program has been damaged. I downloaded universal uninstaller and did the uninstall with that. Now no CiD ads.
However, in add or remove programs it still displays Messenger Plus! Live & Sponsor (CiD). When I launch the uninstaller of Plus!, it still says that sponsor's program had been damaged. I discovered that if I move the universal uninstaller exe to the Program Files\Circle Developement directory, then Plus!'s uninstaller assumes that sponsor can be uninstalled. I click on "Remove Sponsor" button and follow the instructions, the uninstaller of sponsor says at the end that sponsor has been uninstalled for all users. However, at that moment Plus! displays a dialog and says "The sponsor's uninstallation program couldn't be started. Please try restarting your computer and disable your antivirus programs." which is the language file value SponsorLaunchTimeout.
No, I won't reinstall Plus! etc. I only want to succeed what I want with such tweaks
Can you help me? Am I in the correct way of doing this? How can I remove "... & Sponsor (CiD)" thing from add / remove programs and just leave "messenger plus! live" there?