Originally posted by Chris4
I wouldn't recommend using it either tbh.
For what it's worth, I don't think the two reasons the PayPal representative gives in that article are very serious or even valid.
I personally always turn the so called "phishing filters" off because I can't be bothered with all the alerts they generate for perfectly legitimate sites.
As for the green address bar for EV certificates, if I am in doubt, I can read the certificate details. I suppose it may give a warm, fuzzy feeling to some, but if EV has any value at all, it is when dealing with a completely unknown website. It simply means a stricter policy of certificate issuance.
I find that article objectionable because it makes the implication that Safari is somehow vulnerable -- when in fact it is not, it just doesn't have some features aimed at compensating for user stupidity and of questionable value even at that.