To know the ID of a sound you open the Sound Properties in your Sound Library:
1) Go to the Sound Library in Plus!: Plus! > Sound Library
2) Find the sound you want to send in the list.
3) Double click on the sound to open its properties.
4) In there you'll see the sound ID (something like #1E98947BA504)
To create a Quick text you go to the Quick Text options in the 'Preference & Options' of Plus!:
1) Go to the Preferences & Options:
Plus! >
Preferences & Options
2) Navigate to the Quick Texts section
For Plus! 4:
Conversations >
Quick Texts (or something like that, can't remember clearly)
For Plus! 5:
Features >
Quick Texts
3) Click '
4) Select '
Create standalone message'
Fast Send Shortcut (aka alias):
- Or you can select a shortcut from the list if you whish. This is the hotkey you can use to send the Quick Text.
- Or you enter a command in the form of "/
command". eg:
/mymultisound. You can use this command in a chat window by just typing it and hitting enter.
Here you enter all the messages you want to send when you press the hotkey or command. In your case for example you can enter the sound command followed by the sound id. Each new line represents a new thing the Quick Text will send. for example:
/sound #1E98947BA504
/sound #1E98947BA504
/sound #1E98947BA504
7) Select the option '
create multiple messages'
8) Press '
You're Quick Text is now saved and ready to be used.
It will send the sound with ID #1E98947BA504 three times when you enter the command or press the hotkey you've set in
Fast Send Shortcut in a conversation window.
Note 1: instead of the sound ID you could've used the name/title of the sound. But the downside of that is that if you have more than one sound with the same name/title, Plus! might be sending the wrong one. The sound ID is unique and thus it will always send the correct sound.
On top of that, when the sound doesn't exist anymore in your sound library, using the name/title of the sound will produce a "
Can't find sound" error. If you use the sound ID, Plus! will search for that sound on the server and re-download it.
Note 2: Beware that there can only be one sound playing at a time. Thus sending multiple sounds, one immediatly after the other, (even with a script), you and your contact will only here the sound once and see something like this: