Taken from http://www.mess.be (its hard to find) for your convience
Description: Timothy's plugin for (Internet/Windows) Explorer allows you to right-click any JPG, JPEG, BMP, (animated) GIF, PNG file (this time size doesn't matter, guys!) and automatically import it as your current display picture in MSN Messenger 6.1 and up.This new version includes support for dynamic images, a display picture previewer, an advanced picture editor, image zoomer (and cropper), original file names and all this nicely formatted into a graphical user interface.
Creator: Timothy
Version: 2.0
Instructions: The program will only function if the following requirements are met:
- Windows 98/ME/2000 or XP; MSN Messenger version 6.1**; Windows Messenger 4.7.2000 or higher installed on Windows XP***; Internet explorer 5.5 or higher (if not, the Internet Explorer extension and DP protocol won't work); Screen resolution 800x600 or higher; 20 Mb free hard disk space for swap files.
*** You must have Windows Messenger 4.7.2000 or higher installed on XP. Even if you are not using it.
** The program won't function on MSN Messenger 6.0 yet.
After the installation, double-click Internet Explorer, visit our display picture section and go mental. WARNING: Addiction may occur.