O.P. MsgPlus 2.54/2.74 to MsgPlus 3
After installing MsgPlus 3 i found out in my program files (c:\program files\) folder there is 2 folders 'Messenger Plus 2' and there is 'Messenger Plus 3' both has plug in.
Messenger Plus 3 is larger in size obvoiously. In the Plus 2 folder there are plug ins like 'WMP Plus' and 'Now Playing'. When looking for plug ins that were installed. i only got 1 plug in and the others like WMP Plus are not installed although they are on my PC and show up on Windows XP Add/ Remove Programs. The Plus 3 folder there is plug ins to basically a copy of the plug ins of Plus 2 what should i do with the plus 2 folder and also with the plugins should i uninstall those that seem not to be working with the new version of Messenger Plus or and if i reinstall them after deinstalling might they work?
There seems a problem in preferences also.