O.P. Long lost features
There are two things that I miss so badly from my earl IM days (on ICQ).
1. You used to be able to right click the Messenger status tray icon and as a part of the context menu, you saw a list of all online contacts. Clicking on a contact would bring up a message window. This was soooooo nice since it saved you a click or two.
2. Probably a little tougher to do. I loved the old ICQ "float" feature where you could select special contacts and float them on your desktop. A right click on their floating name would bring up the regular menu with send message as first option. Double clicking the float would bring up a message window.
Both of these are so badly missed since I IM a very small number of people all day long.
The other thing I really need is a quick ping function. My colleagues and I work in cubicles and often shout at each other to get someone's attention. Problem is, we often have headphones on and can't hear the call. I want a one click ping so a toast pops up that says "ping" so the user knows I'm trying to get his attention, but I don't have to open a message window and type "hey" and click send.
I know, I'm asking alot. Are there any plugins to do any of this? If not....Patchou Please!!!